Good Harbor House
B&B Style Vacation Rental
Just Steps to Good Harbor Beach

Submit A Review
Because you were a guest here at Good Harbor House in Gloucester, we would like to invite you to write a review of your stay. Even if you have done so in the past, it is important to keep reviews current.
Reviews from our past guests are very important to us. They not only tell potential renters what it was like to stay here at Good Harbor House, but often influences them to go ahead and make that reservation. So we invite you to please take a moment to tell us and others about your experience here. After we have received your review, we would love to be able to post it on our website’s review page. When we post a review, we will only use initials or a codename. If you prefer that we do not post it, just let us know. If there are things you love about us, wonderful. if you have suggestions as to how we can make things even better, we want to hear that as well. In either case we welcome and appreciate your comments.